Friday, November 25, 2011

Speed of Change - YouTube

Some insight into the speed at which this world is spinning! SCARY.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

WordPress Plugin for Category Specific RSS feed subscription menu | Tips and Tricks

WordPress Plugin for Category Specific RSS feed subscription menu | Tips and Tricks: The ‘Category Specific RSS feed subscription’ WordPress Plugin allows you to add a menu with multiple RSS feed subscription option to your site in addition to the normal RSS subscription option. The category specific RSS feed menu can be added to a post, page or sidebar. Through this menu your visitors will be able to subscribe to the RSS feed of a specific topic/category of your blog/site that particularly interest them.

To make it work, you do need to have the following Permalink settings:

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A cool quote: G K Chesterton on saying grace.

You say grace before meals. All right. But I say grace before the concert and the opera, and grace before the play and pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching, painting, swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing and grace before I dip the pen in the ink. ~G.K. Chesterton

Monday, November 7, 2011

North Point Community Church :: Messages

North Point Community Church :: Messages: Every action, habit, and behavior is first born from a thought. So when Jesus began his public ministry, his very first message addressed our thoughts - not our behaviors. Because changing our lives will only happen after we change the pesky thought-patterns that keep us stuck in unhealthy habits. In this message, Rodney Anderson examines the very first word Jesus preached. And this familiar word's meaning may surprise you.

Not a Fan

Not a Fan: Twenty times in the New Testament, Jesus Christ issued a compelling and challenging invitation: “Follow Me.” Jesus is not interested in mere fans. He doesn't want enthusiastic admirers. He wants completely committed followers. Built around the engaging approach of Kyle Idleman, Teaching Pastor at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY, this one of a kind small group study, sermon series, movie, and book examines what it means to deny one’s self and truly follow Jesus.

Andy Stanley, Sermons by Andy Stanley -

Andy Stanley, Sermons by Andy Stanley -

Lean Church Staff � Church Forward

Lean Church Staff � Church Forward: I’m tempted to make a joke about pastors and potlucks, but I think I’ll pass…

By lean staff, I’m referring to how much of the budget a church allocates to personnel costs. How much should a church allot to paid staff? It’s a great research question. The Leadership Network and Your Church magazine released results from a survey they conducted on this subject.