Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pastor Rob Bell: There Is No Hell

Pastor Rob Bell: There Is No Hell: Stealing your faith

The bible says this about people living in the end times, our time – “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” 2 Timothy 4:3,4.

Bible Verses About Love: 25 Awesome Scripture Quotes

Bible Verses About Love: 25 Awesome Scripture Quotes: The Bible is full of great verses and passages about the topic of love. God’s love for us is a perfect example and starting place to study on love. There are also great verses about love in relation to marriage, brotherly love or friendship, and loving your neighbor. Here is a collection of some of the greatest love quotes from the Bible. What is your favorite love Bible verse? Share it with us in the comments!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Cyberspace Ministry - What is the Gift of Discernment?

Cyberspace Ministry - What is the Gift of Discernment?:

People with this gift:

distinguish truth from error, right from wrong, pure motives from impure;

identify deception in others with accuracy and appropriateness;

determine whether a testimony attributed to God is authentic;

recognize inconsistencies in a teaching, prophetic message or interpretation;

are able to sense the presence of evil.

Rob Bell Examined on Wretched - YouTube

Rob Bell Examined on Wretched - YouTube

TWILIGHT: The Wicked Truth About This Saga - YouTube

TWILIGHT: The Wicked Truth About This Saga - YouTube

Sunday, January 22, 2012

CBMW � The Husband as Prophet, Priest, and King

CBMW � The Husband as Prophet, Priest, and King

Just what does the Bible mean when it teaches in 1 Corinthians 11
that the man is the head of the woman? Sadly, throughout the history
of the church, the concept of a man as head of his wife has been misunderstood,
misinterpreted, and misapplied by pastors and Bible
teachers. As a consequence, many husbands have used this biblical
idea as license for harsh treatment, a lack of love and compassion, and
even abuse of their wives. They seem to have learned more about
headship from the Pharaohs of Egypt than from the Lamb of God.
Women have rightly rebelled against dictatorship in marriage. It
is clear to them that whatever headship means, it doesn’t mean a harsh
or unloving attitude but a spirit of kindness and compassion. It doesn’t
mean selfishness, but self-sacrifice. It doesn’t mean control, but a willingness
to assume responsibility.

Read more in the downloadable PDF file at the above link.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

But the Woman being deceived, was in the Transgression

But the Woman being deceived, was in the Transgression: The most famous case of superfetation in humans is found in the Bible account of the conception and birth of Cain and Abel. Whoever reads Genesis carefully, will see it speaks of the two seeds, or offspring, right after the fall. So from the very beginning, there were two lineages: the ungodly line of Cain and the godly line found in Seth. Not one time is Adam called the father of Cain, who is not once mentioned in the genealogies of Adam. This is why Adam pronounced his wife "the mother of all living". Never is it suggested that Adam is the father of all living. If Cain actually would have been the first-born son of Adam, he would have had the nature of Adam who was the son of God, and a special place in God's record.

Satan Offspring Serpent Seedline Sons of Cain Lucifer's Children - Sherry Shriner

Satan Offspring Serpent Seedline Sons of Cain Lucifer's Children - Sherry Shriner: Have you ever seen anything so venomous as Satan and his followers trying to keep the masses from becoming aware of this basic Biblical truth? I have. I experience their hatred, wrath, and attacks every single day and night because I am bringing this hidden truth to light that the churches simply ignore....Sherry Shriner

There Are Only 2 Seedlines from which all of Mankind comes...
the Lord's or Satan's! The Good Seed and the Bad Seed.

CAnswersTV's Channel - YouTube

CAnswersTV's Channel - YouTube: Show #1 covers the following: 1. God is jealous 2. God does not love everybody or have a "wonderful plan" for their lives 3. Predestination (God chooses some men but most He simply does not) 4. God sends deluding & lying spirits to men 5. Jesus speaks in Parables so men will not convert & be forgiven by God 6. God is Holy 7. God is Sovereign 8. Jesus was "Rude" & "Judgmental" 9. Christians are to rebuke 10. Jesus is the ONLY WAY, 11. Jesus is GOD.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Outreach Ministry to the Destitute

Outreach Ministry to the Destitute: The ministry functions through disciple groups. These disciple groups consist of persons who have responded to the call of Christ to be His disciples. The disciple group activities encourage a life of faith and empowerment of their members with the goal of participation in the outreach activities of the disciple groups. Together, these disciple groups constitute the "street parish" of a congregation in the city centre (Cape Peninsula Reformed Church).

Living Way

Living Way: Living Way is a ministry within Living Hope (www.livinghope.co.za) that is working to economically empower people to earn their way out of poverty.

Through various programmes, Living Way works to sustainable empower people to provide for their daily necessities so that they do not have to depend on anyone, focusing on under-resourced communities in Cape Town, South Africa.

"Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good
in order that they may provide for their daily needs
and not live unproductive lives." Titus 3:14



The first ever word-for-word dramatized DVD Bible for children and adults. Epic dramas played out using ONLY the Bible verses The visuals are stunning. The characters are engaging. The cinematography is breathtaking.

The Bible comes to life before your eyes.

The JESUS Film Project | Home

The JESUS Film Project | Home: Every eight seconds, somewhere in the world, another person indicates a decision to follow Christ after watching the "JESUS" film.

...because y�u are worth it?

...because y�u are worth it?: ‘Our own will to live a healthy life needs to overflow into our will to help others to improve their living standards, and, if needed, to entirely transform their situation. If no other way remains, it needs to become the will to transform the entire society, so that, in the end, a better life for everyone is guaranteed. Where some live in poor health through no fault of their own, we cannot, with a clean conscience, claim the right to live a healthy life. If our neighbour becomes ill due to living conditions or the environment they live in, it will sooner or later touch all of us- despite our efforts to isolate ourselves, even though it can seem temporarily successful. If one person is sick, an entire society is sick. In the fight against illness the answer can never be isolation, but only community.”

Living Grace Home

Living Grace Home: Living Grace provides lockers where the homeless keep their belongings, a shower, a place to wash and dry their clothes, toilets, food parcels, direction in getting ID books, access to Social services, pensions, grants, hospital visits, oversight of their medication for TB and HIV, as well as health and substance abuse support groups. Living Grace also helps clients get jobs, and accommodation once they are rehabilitated sufficiently to hold down these jobs. Clients are also able to buy very cheap second hand clothing.

SKELETONS AT THE FEAST a review of street homelessness

SKELETONS AT THE FEAST a review of street homelessness: South Africa is not well prepared for increasing homelessness. Compared to the situation of people in shack settlements, little is known about the street homeless and there are no formal statistics. In their extreme poverty, isolation and loss of societal resources, the truly homeless exactly fit the description ‘the destitute', and are worse off than people living in shacks.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

214 - Changing The Word - Amazing Discoveries TV

214 - Changing The Word - Amazing Discoveries TV:

In this video a hands on approach of the Bible is followed, exposing the blatant changes that have been made in modern translations to rob Christ of His pre eminence. See for yourselves and prove whether these things are so.

213 - Battle Of The Bibles - Amazing Discoveries TV

213 - Battle Of The Bibles - Amazing Discoveries TV:

Our battle is not against flesh and blood. Spiritual forces would wish to rob man of the only source of inspiration outlining the road to salvation. In the Battle of the Bibles hard evidence is provided for how the enemy has worked behind the scenes to create the stage for the final attack on the Word of God itself. The history and affiliations of those who have dared to reshape God's Word to suit there occult philosophy is clearly exposed.

305 - Health And Happiness - Amazing Discoveries TV

305 - Health And Happiness - Amazing Discoveries TV:

Does vegetarianism offer a viable alternative for diets rich in animal products? Is it healthy to choose a vegan lifestyle and how does one ensure adequate quantities of all essential nutrients? These issues and many other factors pertaining to a healthy lifestyle are discussed indepth in this lecture. Moreover, recipes and household tips are provided to make the transition to a vegan lifestyle not only simple but delightful.

1 Corinthians 13: Bible Summary and Study on Love

1 Corinthians 13: Bible Summary and Study on Love:

Love is:

Rejoices in truth
Bears up under all problems / Protects
Believes / Trusts
Understands the of faults of others
Never fails / Perseveres

Love isn’t:

Inappropriate / Rude
Accepting of sin

What This World Needs Chords by Casting Crowns @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

What This World Needs Chords by Casting Crowns @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

Casting Crowns What This World Needs   Intro:  Am  C  Dm  F  G  Verse 1:                   Am Em What this world needs is not another F                      G one-hit-wonder with an axe to grind         Am                   Em Another two-bit politician peddling lies           F                 G Another three ring circus society                   Am  Em What this world needs   is not another F                                G sign waving "super saint that's better than you"          Am                      Em Another ear pleasing candy man afraid of the truth            F                  G Another prophet in an Armani Suit   Chorus: N.C.              F           Dm             G What this world needs is a savior who will rescue   Am               F A spirit who will lead Dm                G         Am                F A Father who will love them in their time of need    Dm              G A Savior who will rescue  Am                F A Spirit who will lead    Dm              G A Father who will love N.C. That's what this world needs  (Repeat Intro)  Verse 2:                  Am What this world needs         Em                        F               G Is for us to care more about the inside than the outside                Am                 Em Have we become so blind that we can't see                               F                           G That God's gotta change her heart before he changes her shirt                  Am  Em                     F What this world needs   is for us to stop hiding behind our relevance                 Am                                 Em Blending is so well that people can't see the difference                 F                             G And it's the difference that sets the world free  (Repeat Chorus)  Bridge:  (Repeat Chords from chorus softly over until spoken part over) (Spoken) People arn't confused by the gospel, They're confused by us. Jesus is the only way to God but we are not the only way to Jesus This world doesn't need my tie, my hoodie, My denomination, or my translation of the bible They just need Jesus We can be passionate about what we believe but we can't strap purselves to the gospels Because we're slowing it down. Jesus is going to save the world, but maybe the best thing we can do Is just get out of the way  Interlude:  Freestyled electric Guitar  (Repeat Chorus) Chorus:                   F           Dm             G What this world needs is a savior who will rescue   Am               F A spirit who will lead Dm                G         Am                F A Father who will love them in their time of need    Dm              G A Savior who will rescue  Am                F A Spirit who will lead    Dm              G A Father who will love                          F That's what this world needs  Ending:  Dm            G       Am                        F Jesus is our Savior, that's what this world needs Dm               G        Am                      F Father's arms around you, That's what this world needs G That's what this world needs  End:   Am  C  Dm  F  G