Wednesday, January 18, 2012

...because y�u are worth it?

...because y�u are worth it?: ‘Our own will to live a healthy life needs to overflow into our will to help others to improve their living standards, and, if needed, to entirely transform their situation. If no other way remains, it needs to become the will to transform the entire society, so that, in the end, a better life for everyone is guaranteed. Where some live in poor health through no fault of their own, we cannot, with a clean conscience, claim the right to live a healthy life. If our neighbour becomes ill due to living conditions or the environment they live in, it will sooner or later touch all of us- despite our efforts to isolate ourselves, even though it can seem temporarily successful. If one person is sick, an entire society is sick. In the fight against illness the answer can never be isolation, but only community.”

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