Sunday, March 25, 2012

Steamed Mielie Bread

Bread, Biscuits, Rusks etc: Steamed mealie bread

10 mealies, kernels cut from the cob (I guess that would be 10 ears of corn in the States)
60 ml cake flour
15 ml baking powder
3 eggs, beaten
30 ml butter
generous pinch of salt

1. Mince or process mealie kernels. (If you're using very young mealies, add a thick slice of bread, when processing.)
2. Stir flour into processed mealies, add baking powder, beaten eggs, butter and salt. This mixture's consistency should resemble that of cake batter.
3. Spoon mixture into a well-greased container, cover with greased tin foil and secure tightly with string.
4. Steam for 2 hours and 30 minutes or until cooked. Boiling water must be replenished every 30 minutes or so. Serve steaming hot with lots of butter!

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