Thursday, May 24, 2012

How To Find A Man-Friendly Church

How To Find A Man-Friendly Church: How to Find a Man-Friendly Church

Are you looking for a church that understands men? Do you want to help your congregation become a guy magnet?

A number of studies have revealed the kinds of churches that tend to attract men. Based on this research, I’ve identified twelve characteristics of a man-friendly church.

Before we begin: a caveat. No single model of church will appeal to every man. As you read this article you may shake your head and think, “I can’t stand those kinds of churches,” or “My husband visited a church like that and he hated it.”

I must also mention that none of these 12 things matter as much as the authentic presence of God. I often tell groups, "If the Spirit of God is moving, it won't matter to men if the pastor is wearing a pink ballerina's tutu. Men are drawn to the real Jesus."

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