Thursday, July 17, 2014

Unisa Online - course in basic counselling

Unisa Online - course in basic counselling: Course in Basic Counselling

(Qualification code: 7026-2)

Aim of the course:

This course

aims to provide you with practical counselling skills and techniques, provides you with relevant theoretical counselling models and paradigms from psychology
will enable you to act as intermediary between people in need of counselling and professional support services
focusses on, among others, basic counselling principles and skills, such as person‑centred communication, the process of helping, values underlying the counselling process, and practical issues such as the structure/ stages of the interview/ counselling process
is a synthesis of systemic and rational‑emotive‑behaviour therapeutic approaches
includes a two day compulsory workshop in Pretoria and video bradcasts to othe selected UNISA campuses.The focus is on experiential learning, and the integration of the theory and practice of counselling

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