Saturday, July 30, 2011

Convert Latitude / Longitude in Degrees/Minutes/Seconds to/from Decimal (FCC) USA

Convert Latitude / Longitude in Degrees/Minutes/Seconds to/from Decimal (FCC) USA

How to get GPS coordinates from a location in Google Maps - Tips, Tricks & Mods

How to get GPS coordinates from a location in Google Maps - Tips, Tricks & Mods:

This works with Google Maps is quick and easy, and does not need any add-ons.
1. Move the cursor over the spot you want coordinates for.
2. Right click and select 'Directions to here' on pop-up menu.
3. Copy coordinates from 'End Address': e.g. 29.199505,-90.041242
4. Paste them back into the 'Search Maps' box and click to check position
and get them in DMS format: e.g. 29� 11' 58.22', -90� 2' 28.47'

The One Minute Apologist - Welcome

The One Minute Apologist - Welcome: "We provide quick, credible answers to apologetic questions that resource people with a hunger to defend their Christian faith.

The Bible says, '...always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.' (1 Peter 3:15).

To help you engage in conversation, The One Minute Apologist set out to answer tough questions about Christianity, Bible Difficulties, Faith, Religion, Jesus, God, Atheism, Cults, Doctrine, Theology, Ethics, Science, Philosophy, World Religions, and more."