Saturday, July 30, 2011

Undergraduate College Level Certificates - Colorado Theological Seminary

Undergraduate College Level Certificates - Colorado Theological Seminary

Certificate in Christian Counseling

CCS 101 - Christian Counseling 100

This course will give a basic overall view of the need for Christian Counseling. It will also familiarize the student with different areas of counseling theories and techniques. Some of the major topics are: the Church as a Healing Community, Systems and Social Networks, and Groups Counseling.

CCS 211 - Christian Counseling 200

This course is a continuation of Christian Counseling 100. It will give a more in-depth study of what Biblical Counseling actually is and who is qualified to counsel. It will discuss Family Counseling, Singles Counseling and Financial Counseling.

GCCS 530 - Marriage Counseling

This course is a continuation of Christian Counseling 100. It will give a more in-depth study of what Biblical Counseling actually is and who is qualified to counsel. It will discuss Family Counseling, Singles Counseling and Financial Counseling.

GCCS 529 - Counseling, Psychology and the Christian

This course reveals the area of a Believer’s warfare is in the mind. It discusses Man’s triune being, Demonic Activity, and gives seven detailed behavior patterns as seen from an Old Testament perspective. Other sections in the course include: Shaping our Destiny, Spiritual Management and Managing the Mind.

GBTH 692 - Christ Our Healer

This course deals with the healing ministry of Jesus. It explains God’s will for healing today even as it was His will in ancient times. The subject of faith is also addressed in this commentary. The relation of sickness to sin is discussed in great detail.

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