Friday, July 29, 2011

Creation Science Evangelism - Creation Ministry Start Up Package


 Over 25 years of research at your fingertips! Whether you are wanting to start your own creation ministry, or lead a Bible study or Sunday School class on Creation, this valuable package has all the information you need!

Two CD-Roms contain over 6,000 Power Point slides from all seven parts of Dr. Kent Hovind's award-winning Creation Seminar Series. And for those who are new to Power Point, we have included a short video in which Dr. Hovind explains the Power Point basics.

Possibly the most valuable tool of all for those wanting to begin a creation ministry of their own is the audio message, Ideas for Starting a Creation Ministry. In this message, Dr. Hovind uses his 16 years of experience in this full-time ministry to give helpful tips on how you can get started!

All together, this is a priceless ministry tool designed to save you many months of toil and trouble. Enjoy the benefits of having unlimited access to this wealth of information and begin your assault on the destructive forces of evolution today!

Creation Science Evangelism - Creation Ministry Start Up Package

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